Aleena Gul

Aleena Gul is a rising junior at Yale pursuing a double major in Global Affairs and Economics. Born in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in northwest Pakistan, she spent her early years in Peshawar and Islamabad before moving to Northern Virginia. Growing up in Pakistan, Aleena cherished weekend family trips to her ancestral village in Mardan District, just two miles from the ancient town of Takht-Bhai, known for its delicious chapli kebab and historic Buddhist monasteries. Listed as one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites, Aleena’s hometown, Takht-Bhai, attracts tourists from around the world who are eager to explore its ancient ruins dating back to the early 1st century AD. In addition to Yalies for Pakistan, Aleena is the president of the Salus Populi Foundation, a student affiliate of the Economic Growth Center, and heads the Foreign Policy Center at the Yale Policy Institute. Aleena is passionate about studying international development, focusing on migration and displacement.